Mortality Movie: Saying Goodbye: Preparing for Death

Monday, March 36:00—7:30 PMMeeting RoomNorwell Public Library64 South Street, Norwell, MA, 02061

Join us for Morality Movie: Saying Goodbye: Preparing for Death

Addressing our mortality head on, viewers are guided through fear into honest conversation about the questions most of us avoid: How can we talk about death? What is a good death? What quality of life is enough for you? Where do we want to die? What is a conscious death? Could we have one?

As hard as it is to believe, we know, in the depths of our being, death will come – either through a diagnosis, or from a sudden accident. Don’t wait until you’re in crisis to decide how you want to be cared for. Difficult as it is, making decisions now about what we want when facing the inevitable, is a great kindness to yourself, and to your loved ones.

Meaningful conversation and light snacks to follow.

Register below or call: 781-659-2015

Registration for this event opens Monday, February 3 at 9:00 AM.